Posts tagged birth doulas
More Than Just a Plan: Tips for Preparing for a Positive Birth Experience

You may have heard that writing a birth plan, or summary of your birth preferences can help you to have a more positive birth experience. I couldn’t agree more; however, in my opinion that’s not the first, only, or even most important part of preparing for your birth. Here are my 5 top tips for planning for a positive birth experience…

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Birth Preferences (Part 5): Fetal Monitoring

A lot of families we support as doulas aren't aware that they'll likely have a choice when it comes to how their baby’s heart rate is monitored during labor, and don't realize how large an impact this choice can have on how a birth unfolds. So, what are the different types of monitoring, and which is best for you? Read on for a little background info that may help when discussing this important decision with your provider…

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Birth Preferences (Part 4): Labor Coping Strategies

In our culture, many of us grew up watching tv and movies that portray labor coping as limited to a woman panting and screaming for drugs. Remember The One Where Rachel Has a Baby? The truth is, it doesn't have to be this way. If you do decide to use pain meds (a completely valid choice) you still have options you can learn about and prepare for ahead of time. There are also non-pharmaceutical alternatives that can be very effective, and benefits to holding off until later in labor to have meds, if you decide to go that route. Read on for additional information on narcotic options and the lesser-known natural coping techniques you may want to include in your birth plan…

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Birth Plan BS: 3 Truths and a Lie

You may have heard of something called the “birth plan curse”, or something along those lines. The basic idea being that the more detailed a birth plan, the more likely a woman is to end up with a c-section. I’ve heard this idea tossed around, encountered it in online labor and delivery nurse forums, and I’ve even had a client report that a nurse told her after her Cesarean birth that it was essentially her detailed plan that caused it. Today I’d like to call this ideology out for what I believe it is. Complete and utter BS…

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Insider Tips: How to Have a Positive Birth Experience

I’ve been a practicing birth doula for the past four years, supporting births of all kinds- mostly in hospital, a few home births, medicated, unmedicated, hypno-births, cesarean, vacuum assisted, some short, some really long. I’ve also gone through the pregnancy and birth experience twice personally- once before and once after training as a doula, once with a doula and once without. Somewhere along the way, a spark was ignited, a deep desire to to spread information far and wide in order to help others have positive birth experiences too. Because YES, a healthy mom and baby are always at the top of the list, AND how a family feels about their experience matters DEEPLY. You do not get a do-over on your baby’s birth story. So here’s my advice on how to prepare for a positive experience…

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You’re Getting Very Sleepy: 5 Myths about Childbirth Hypnosis

What do you think of when you think of hypnosis? Swinging shiny objects, snapping fingers, a low-rent comedian making people quack like ducks? I'm willing to bet whatever comes to mind is absolutely nothing like modern childbirth hypnosis. I know this first hand, as I am a Hypnobabies trained Hypno-doula, I've used it personally for the birth of my two daughters, as well as supported many doula clients in using it to successfully achieve easier, more comfortable birth experiences…

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I Want the Drugs. Why Would I Want a Doula?

Epidural use during labor is on the rise. According to a Stanford study published in Anesthesiology in 2018, there was a 10% rise in use since 2008. And according to this article, the researchers were “blown away” by the findings. Said Alexander Butwick, MD, an associate professor of anesthesiology, "We were really surprised the rates were so high."

Using pain medication during your labor is a very common and completely valid choice. Why, if you decide to get drugs, would you also want to hire a doula? Aren't doulas just for those that want an unmedicated labor- crunchy types who want to go "all natural?" Not at all. And here's why…

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But What Does a Birth Doula DO?

DONA International published an article in 2018 celebrating Mother’s Day in which the kids of doulas told what they thought doulas do… “Something with vaginas. You help babies,” said Uriah, age 9. “Doulas just sit there,” said Lyndi, also 9. “Mom, seriously. Don’t make me try to explain it,” said Aidan, age 18.

Some doulas even debate what we should “do”, saying we should aim to be more of a “be-la” than a “do-la”. That it’s not our place to advocate or give advice.

I believe being a good doula is about striking a nice balance…

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Who Doesn't Love a New Beginning?

A fresh start, a clean slate, an opportunity to learn and grow. New beginnings can be filled with excitement, challenge, and yes, a period of adjustment. But who doesn’t love a new beginning?

We, the doulas of Align are excited about the next chapter unfolding in 2020, and are committed to bringing high quality doula services to even more Madison area families this year, because we know that a doula supported beginning is often a smoother one…

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