Posts tagged childbirth hypnosis
Insider Tips: How to Have a Positive Birth Experience

I’ve been a practicing birth doula for the past four years, supporting births of all kinds- mostly in hospital, a few home births, medicated, unmedicated, hypno-births, cesarean, vacuum assisted, some short, some really long. I’ve also gone through the pregnancy and birth experience twice personally- once before and once after training as a doula, once with a doula and once without. Somewhere along the way, a spark was ignited, a deep desire to to spread information far and wide in order to help others have positive birth experiences too. Because YES, a healthy mom and baby are always at the top of the list, AND how a family feels about their experience matters DEEPLY. You do not get a do-over on your baby’s birth story. So here’s my advice on how to prepare for a positive experience…

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3 Steps to Bringing Calm to Your Birth Amid the COVID- 19 Crisis

As society as we knew it seems to come to a screeching halt, babies are still being born. A recent client of mine just posted the most adorable photo of her baby wearing a onesie that said “Stay Home” as she remarked that she wished everyone had a baby to snuggle with during this time. While the reward will most certainly be a bright spot for growing families during this strange and scary time, getting to that destination is becoming increasingly anxiety provoking for many. Group birthing and breastfeeding classes have been canceled, you may be worried about who will be allowed to join you at the hospital due to changing visitor policies, and of course there are extra health concerns for yourselves, your babies and your partners to consider. So what’s a pregnant person to do right now? Here are 3 suggestions:

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You’re Getting Very Sleepy: 5 Myths about Childbirth Hypnosis

What do you think of when you think of hypnosis? Swinging shiny objects, snapping fingers, a low-rent comedian making people quack like ducks? I'm willing to bet whatever comes to mind is absolutely nothing like modern childbirth hypnosis. I know this first hand, as I am a Hypnobabies trained Hypno-doula, I've used it personally for the birth of my two daughters, as well as supported many doula clients in using it to successfully achieve easier, more comfortable birth experiences…

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