I Want the Drugs. Why Would I Want a Doula?

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(Originally posted on September 15, 2016, updated February 17, 2020)

Epidural use during labor is on the rise. According to a Stanford study published in Anesthesiology in 2018, there was a 10% rise in use since 2008. And according to this article, the researchers were “blown away” by the findings. Said Alexander Butwick, MD, an associate professor of anesthesiology, "We were really surprised the rates were so high."

Using pain medication during your labor is a very common and completely valid choice. Why, if you decide to get drugs, would you also want to hire a doula? Aren't doulas just for those that want an unmedicated labor- crunchy types who want to go "all natural?" Not at all. And here's why:

Doulas provide prenatal and postpartum support, in addition to support during labor.

Some assume the reason people hire doulas is because they want help achieving an unmedicated birth; however, many of those planning to take advantage of pain medications also want to take advantage of the services provided by a doula.  Doula comes from the ancient Greek word meaning "woman who serves", and doulas offer a myriad of services. From personalized prenatal education, to continuous labor support, to help with breastfeeding and adjusting to caring for a newborn- they specialize in helping couples transition into the biggest roles of their lives.  It's not just about natural pain coping techniques, though those may come in handy as well.

You may want to learn about alternative comfort measure options for use prior to receiving your epidural.

Most people are told they should leave for the hospital when their contractions are about five minutes apart, lasting about a minute, for at least an hour… and many don’t realize that this could come hours or days after the beginning of intense contractions.  Some birthing parents find that even once they are admitted, there is a significant wait until their epidural is administered.  Some choose to try and labor as long as possible before asking for the epidural, for various reasons.  Some miss the "window" for administration, sometimes the epidural works on just one side of the body, or just doesn’t work well.  In any case, the advice and support of a doula who is well versed in non-medicinal comfort measures can be extremely helpful to those experiencing these scenarios, even if their plan is to get the epidural as soon as they can.

A doula can help to improve your overall birth experience. 

Birth is one of the most transformative and memorable experiences people will have in their entire lifetime.  Just because a someone decides to use pain medication during labor does not mean the birth will be easy or routine.  It still requires a LOT of time and energy to get that baby out, which is then rewarded with finally getting to meet the baby that’s been growing for over 9 months!  Along the way there could be bumps in the road that a doula can help to navigate.  A doula can provide information and suggestions to help labor progress, and the baby into an ideal position for birth. She can add little touches like white twinkle lights and flameless candles to help make the birthing person more comfortable and relaxed, which can help facilitate the release of hormones that move things along.  She can also provide insight and encouraging words during the pushing stage, which can be difficult for a medicated person who may not feel the urge to push, or know what to do.  All these things set the stage for a smoother, more pleasant experience for the birthing person, partner and baby- and there's only one chance at writing your baby's birth story.

Written by Angie Traska, coordinator of Align Doula Services, providing intuitive, attentive doula support that aligns with you. Serving Madison, WI and the surrounding areas.

Want to meet a few excellent doulas, learn more about Align Doula Services or doulas in general? Please join us for our complimentary doula info meeting on  March 4th to learn more, or shoot us a message to line up a private consultation.