What to Pack in Your Hospital Bag: My Top 10 Items

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(Originally posted on September 14, 2016, updated June 30, 2020)

Packing a hospital bag for the day you go into labor ahead of time can feel a little like packing for a surprise trip when you don’t know the destination. Here are a few things you may want but haven’t yet thought of:

1)  Comfy Clothes

You'll definitely need comfy clothes for yourselves and your baby. You may decide you'd like to labor in your own clothes in which case you might want a comfy robe, or a few different sports bras or bralettes if you think you may be getting in and out of the tub or shower and you don't feel like being totally exposed. You'll definitely want nursing tanks as well if you plan to breastfeed. These comfy tanks allow for super easy access and can be worn alone or as a base layer to employ this double shirt technique. They are my favorite because unlike the common nursing tanks with the snap down clasps, these are stretchy enough to just be pulled down without messing around with unsnapping.

2) Warm Socks

Hospitals can be cold, and moving around or going for walks is a great way to help labor progress. Having some warm fuzzy socks to slip on can be very comforting. It’s a good idea to bring a couple pair as they may get dirty or wet, and any that do survive to be brought home will be great to keep your feet warm during all those night feedings.

3)  Comfort Items from Home

This could be your own pillow, a fuzzy throw blanket, a stuffed animal you picked out for your baby, a framed ultrasound photo, or your favorite essential oils. Anything that will help you feel calm, cozy and at home in your birthing space.

4) Ear Buds

Ear buds can definitely come in handy when you are trying to rest or focus amidst the noises and bustle of the hospital. You may find listening to spa music, nature sounds, white noise or hypnosis to be just what you need to drift off to sleep or bring you back to center. Waterproof and wireless ones may come in handy if you plan to use the tub.

5) Books/ Devices/ Chargers

In cases of downtime leading up to active labor or in the event of a prolonged hospital stay, you may find it helpful to have things to keep you entertained or distracted. Don’t forget the chargers!

6) All the Snacks!!

Childbirth is a huge physical feat, not unlike running a marathon, and your body will perform best with proper fuel. More and more care providers are recognizing this fact, and "allowing" mothers to consume light snacks and hydrate with their drink of choice during labor. Good options for snacks include honey sticks, trail mix, and energy bars. Plain water is great for hydration, but something with electrolytes may be even better. Coconut water is a great option, or check out these recipes for homemade "laborade". And don't forget your partner! They will need to keep up their energy too, and may not want to leave your side in search of food if things are progressing quickly.

7) Lip Balm  

A lot of deep breathing and dry hospital air can leave your lips parched. It’s a great idea to keep a soothing stick of lip balm handy. This is my favorite for labor, made locally by a mother owned company. It has calming lavender and goes on so smooth.

8) Hair Ties

Don't forget the hair ties. During labor many people get hot flashes and want their hair off their neck. After baby is here, you'll likely want your hair out of the way for breastfeeding. 

9) Toiletries

The hospital will provide most of what you need for postpartum personal care such as the squirt bottle you’ll use for cleaning your bottom, ice packs, pads and mesh underwear. But don’t forget your other toiletries/ hair and body products. The shower after you give birth will be one of the best you’ve ever had!

10) Nipple Butter

Breastfeeding should never be PAINFUL (contact a lactation professional if it is), but there could be some normal soreness/discomfort during the first 1-2 weeks. Having a soothing nipple butter on hand can be nice. This is my favorite, because it is organic, buttery and non-sticky, petroleum and lanolin-free, contains healing herbs and doesn’t need to be washed off before nursing!

Written by Angie Traska, coordinator of Align Doula Services, providing intuitive, attentive doula support that aligns with you. Serving Madison, WI and the surrounding areas.

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