Baby Registry Ideas: My Top 10 Picks

As a doula, I am often asked if I have any recommendations for a baby registry. In fact I do! Having two young kids myself, as well as having heard feedback on baby products from many new parents, I definitely have ideas to share. So, if you’re looking for somewhere to start, you’re totally overwhelmed with options, or on the fence on whether something is worth it, read on.

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Emily Klein
Learn From a Local Expert About Lactation Support: Patricia Smith, OTR IBCLC

You know that David Letterman show My Next Guest Needs No Introduction? I feel like that would be a good title for this blog for those of us who do birth, postpartum and breastfeeding support in Madison, but my intention is to spread the word far and wide for families who DON’T yet know Patty, because as far as I’m concerned her phone number should come standard on postpartum discharge paperwork in case breastfeeding hits any major type of hurdle! While Patty does many types of therapy, she is probably best known in Madison as a leading expert in lactation support, who specializes in helping babies and parents who are having feeding challenges, especially the complicated cases. Her rare combination of training and experience leaves her unmatched in terms of the care she can provide. Read on to learn more about what Patty does…

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Emily Klein
Awesome Activities For Indoor Days

If you’re learning how to juggle having a new baby and a toddler, you’re not alone. Most of us go through it at some point. And while we expect a bit of a bumpy ride, what most of us don’t think about is how having an infant will affect our children’s routine, especially on days when you can’t pack the baby up and head to the park.

Read on for mom-approved advice on how to make the most of days when fall and winter make their presence known.

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More Than Just a Plan: Tips for Preparing for a Positive Birth Experience

You may have heard that writing a birth plan, or summary of your birth preferences can help you to have a more positive birth experience. I couldn’t agree more; however, in my opinion that’s not the first, only, or even most important part of preparing for your birth. Here are my 5 top tips for planning for a positive birth experience…

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Q & A: Ellie Ryan, DC

I'm so happy to share this question and answer with Ellie Ryan, DC! She is an excellent chiropractor who sees patients of all ages including prenatal, postpartum and pediatric care. I last saw her a few days ago on my way home from a birth, and went home for my nap feeling right as rain! 😊 Since several of my clients have recently shared how much chiropractic helped their babies I asked Dr. Ellie if she would share a little about how she helps her tiniest patients. Read on to hear directly from Dr. Ellie.

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Going Back to Work? 5 Tips for Pumping Enough Milk

After baby arrives and you start getting into a groove with breastfeeding, you may start to wonder, “when does the pump come in? How do I build a stash for going back to work? How will I manage to make it all work when I go back?” Here are 5 tips to help you pump enough for baby when you go back to work…

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Emily Klein
Birth Preferences (Part 5): Fetal Monitoring

A lot of families we support as doulas aren't aware that they'll likely have a choice when it comes to how their baby’s heart rate is monitored during labor, and don't realize how large an impact this choice can have on how a birth unfolds. So, what are the different types of monitoring, and which is best for you? Read on for a little background info that may help when discussing this important decision with your provider…

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Q & A Jessica Dufault, DPT, Physical Therapist

I'm so happy to be able to share this question and answer with Jessica Dufault of Mindful Motion Physical Therapy! She is an amazing orthopedic physical therapist who specializes in pelvic/women’s health, and is a WEALTH of knowledge about pelvic health in pregnancy, birth and postpartum. Read on to hear directly from Jessica…

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Emily Klein
Birth Preferences (Part 4): Labor Coping Strategies

In our culture, many of us grew up watching tv and movies that portray labor coping as limited to a woman panting and screaming for drugs. Remember The One Where Rachel Has a Baby? The truth is, it doesn't have to be this way. If you do decide to use pain meds (a completely valid choice) you still have options you can learn about and prepare for ahead of time. There are also non-pharmaceutical alternatives that can be very effective, and benefits to holding off until later in labor to have meds, if you decide to go that route. Read on for additional information on narcotic options and the lesser-known natural coping techniques you may want to include in your birth plan…

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Q & A: Julie Qualle, DC

I'm so happy to be able to share this question and answer with Julie Qualle, DC! She is an amazing chiropractor who specializes in prenatal, postpartum and pediatric care. Not only have I had clients rave about her, I’ve also had the pleasure of seeing Dr. Julie myself. She is such a caring, nurturing person and truly gifted healer. Read on to hear directly from Dr. Julie…

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Birth Preferences (Part 3): Birthing Environment and Choosing a Care Provider

Two of the most important decisions are often made early in a woman's pregnancy journey: where she will give birth, and who will care for her. In the Madison area, there are basically three choices for places to birth your baby: SSM Health St. Mary's, UnityPoint Health Meriter, or at home. Sometimes insurance coverage plays a part, and often location and choice of provider go hand in hand. The good news is, in my opinion, all three locations are great options, and there are lots of fantastic providers to choose from. Here are some differences you may find helpful as you consider your choices, as well as a few tips to keep in mind…

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Emily Klein
Getting Back to Exercise After Baby

So today, I went for my fourth "run" since I gave birth to my second daughter, who is almost eight weeks old. Since my Mother-in-law offered to take my toddler for the day, I got to get outside and bring my littlest along in the jogging stroller... and it was awesome. I put "run" in quotations only because well, there was a fair amount of walking. But it was a beautiful day, my baby was sleeping for most of it, and even though I have a ways to go to get back to my pre-baby fitness level, I felt great. While I was out there, I got to thinking about the process of getting back to exercise after baby, and I wanted to share a couple of tips I think may help other moms in the same boat.

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Emily Klein
Prenatal Exercise Do's & Don'ts

Exercise may not be high on the list of things you feel like doing while battling morning sickness, fatigue, or other pregnancy related discomforts, but it may be worth it for both you and your baby.  After all, exercise may be the very thing you need in order to feel less nauseous, more energized, or more comfortable.  It may help you to get better rest, have an easier labor, and recover more quickly postpartum as well.  In addition, exercise could have a significant impact on your mental health, which is known to affect fetal neurobehavioral development, and consequently, child outcomes.

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Breastfeeding: The First Month

The ins and outs of feeding baby is such a huge focus during the postpartum period for many new parents, and can be a major source of stress. For those who plan to breastfeed, having an idea of what you can expect during the first month can help a lot in getting off to a good start. From how to navigate first latch to pumping, read on for a quick overview of what may lay ahead.

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Birth Plan BS: 3 Truths and a Lie

You may have heard of something called the “birth plan curse”, or something along those lines. The basic idea being that the more detailed a birth plan, the more likely a woman is to end up with a c-section. I’ve heard this idea tossed around, encountered it in online labor and delivery nurse forums, and I’ve even had a client report that a nurse told her after her Cesarean birth that it was essentially her detailed plan that caused it. Today I’d like to call this ideology out for what I believe it is. Complete and utter BS…

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Insider Tips: How to Have a Positive Birth Experience

I’ve been a practicing birth doula for the past four years, supporting births of all kinds- mostly in hospital, a few home births, medicated, unmedicated, hypno-births, cesarean, vacuum assisted, some short, some really long. I’ve also gone through the pregnancy and birth experience twice personally- once before and once after training as a doula, once with a doula and once without. Somewhere along the way, a spark was ignited, a deep desire to to spread information far and wide in order to help others have positive birth experiences too. Because YES, a healthy mom and baby are always at the top of the list, AND how a family feels about their experience matters DEEPLY. You do not get a do-over on your baby’s birth story. So here’s my advice on how to prepare for a positive experience…

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