Lactation Cookies So Amazing Your Partner Will Steal Them

Lactation cookies are cookies that contain galactagogues, substances believed to increase milk supply. While I do not want to put forth or reinforce the idea that you need extra stuff or a special diet in order to successfully breastfeed (most women don't), or that lactation cookies should be your first go-to if you have concerns about milk supply (they shouldn't), I do believe in trying something for yourself to see if it works for you, as long as it won't harm you (and especially if the thing in question is this delicious).

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Emily Klein
3 Steps to Bringing Calm to Your Birth Amid the COVID- 19 Crisis

As society as we knew it seems to come to a screeching halt, babies are still being born. A recent client of mine just posted the most adorable photo of her baby wearing a onesie that said “Stay Home” as she remarked that she wished everyone had a baby to snuggle with during this time. While the reward will most certainly be a bright spot for growing families during this strange and scary time, getting to that destination is becoming increasingly anxiety provoking for many. Group birthing and breastfeeding classes have been canceled, you may be worried about who will be allowed to join you at the hospital due to changing visitor policies, and of course there are extra health concerns for yourselves, your babies and your partners to consider. So what’s a pregnant person to do right now? Here are 3 suggestions:

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Q & A: Shannon Gyles, MSOM, CA

I am beyond delighted to be able to share this Q&A with Shannon Gyles, Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist at New Moon Wellness. Known as a go-to person to see during pregnancy in Madison, Shannon is one of the few alternative health care practitioners in the area that specialize in women's health. As her website states, "Shannon has found her true calling in working with fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum, helping facilitate healthy babies, healthy mamas, and healthy families. She personally understands the joy and difficulty with the changing demands on the body during pregnancy, postpartum, and caring for a newborn… is honored to be able to work with women to prep the body and baby for labor and finds great joy in helping facilitate initiating labor when needed." Read on to learn more from Shannon about acupuncture during the childbearing year.

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You’re Getting Very Sleepy: 5 Myths about Childbirth Hypnosis

What do you think of when you think of hypnosis? Swinging shiny objects, snapping fingers, a low-rent comedian making people quack like ducks? I'm willing to bet whatever comes to mind is absolutely nothing like modern childbirth hypnosis. I know this first hand, as I am a Hypnobabies trained Hypno-doula, I've used it personally for the birth of my two daughters, as well as supported many doula clients in using it to successfully achieve easier, more comfortable birth experiences…

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I Want the Drugs. Why Would I Want a Doula?

Epidural use during labor is on the rise. According to a Stanford study published in Anesthesiology in 2018, there was a 10% rise in use since 2008. And according to this article, the researchers were “blown away” by the findings. Said Alexander Butwick, MD, an associate professor of anesthesiology, "We were really surprised the rates were so high."

Using pain medication during your labor is a very common and completely valid choice. Why, if you decide to get drugs, would you also want to hire a doula? Aren't doulas just for those that want an unmedicated labor- crunchy types who want to go "all natural?" Not at all. And here's why…

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Yep, a Postpartum Doula Does That Too.

What would it be like to have an uninterrupted night of sleep, only to wake and find someone folded the heaps of tiny laundry and washed ALL the bottle pieces and pump parts? How much less isolated would you feel if you had someone to answer your feeding and newborn care questions who was also willing to draw you a bath, hold your baby so you can nap, then prepare you a cup of tea and nourishing snack when you woke up? Yep, we do that. And much more.

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Emily Klein
But What Does a Birth Doula DO?

DONA International published an article in 2018 celebrating Mother’s Day in which the kids of doulas told what they thought doulas do… “Something with vaginas. You help babies,” said Uriah, age 9. “Doulas just sit there,” said Lyndi, also 9. “Mom, seriously. Don’t make me try to explain it,” said Aidan, age 18.

Some doulas even debate what we should “do”, saying we should aim to be more of a “be-la” than a “do-la”. That it’s not our place to advocate or give advice.

I believe being a good doula is about striking a nice balance…

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Q&A: Ingrid Andersson, Nurse Midwife- Founder of Mother's Milk Alliance

I'm absolutely thrilled to share this question and answer with Ingrid Andersson,  RN, CNM, MS.  Not only is she, as a friend put it, "just an amazing human," she is the Founder and President of Mothers' Milk Alliance, Inc., a Board member of Women's Medical Fund, Inc., member of the Dane County Public Health Fetal and Infant Mortality Review team and former Steering Committee member of Wisconsin Environmental Health Network. She has been a regular guest speaker in the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health and Department of Gender and Women's Studies, as well as at Edgewood College, Madison College and Dane County Emergency Services. Prior to midwifery, she worked as a volunteer family crisis intervention counselor and later as a doula. For 8 years, she worked as an RN in high-risk antepartum, postpartum, newborn and breastfeeding care at St Mary's Hospital (SSM Health) in Madison. While a nurse, she travelled to Kenya to learn from traditional birth attendants and British-trained midwives.  Read on to hear directly from Ingrid.

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Learn From a Local Expert About Midwifery: Emily Beaman, CNM, DNP

I could not be more excited to feature amazing Madison midwife Emily Beaman on my blog today! This Q&A was originally posted when SSM Dean Health announced the addition of their midwifery practice- including experienced Certified Nurse Midwives Emily Beaman, Mara Evans, and Kimberly Bertram. Read on to hear from Emily about this exciting option for full-scope midwifery care, as well as what clinic and hospital based midwifery care entails.

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5 Questions to Ask When Shopping for a Doula

Whether or not you are familiar with doulas and the value they can bring to the pregnancy, birth and postpartum experience- most people aren’t quite sure how a doula interview usually goes, or what questions they should ask. Here’s a quick read to help.

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Emily Klein
Who Doesn't Love a New Beginning?

A fresh start, a clean slate, an opportunity to learn and grow. New beginnings can be filled with excitement, challenge, and yes, a period of adjustment. But who doesn’t love a new beginning?

We, the doulas of Align are excited about the next chapter unfolding in 2020, and are committed to bringing high quality doula services to even more Madison area families this year, because we know that a doula supported beginning is often a smoother one…

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When the Student is Ready

Someone once said, "the moment a child is born, the mother is also born." In my case, so too was a doula.

In July 2014 I was sitting in my hotel room waiting for blood test results to let me know if this pregnancy, my third, was viable. The waiting was killing me. I had lost the last two to miscarriage, and wanted so much to be a mother. Alone with my thoughts in my hotel room on yet another work trip, I knelt by the bed in prayer, tears dripping down my face. When I got up, I felt compelled to begin researching and planning for the birth in an effort to keep my thoughts optimistic. It was then I discovered the evidence for doulas, and ultimately landed on the Beautiful Birth Doula Services website.

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Emily Klein